Monday, February 23, 2009

Today, I moved

We played a bit of musical chairs in the office today. Interestingly enough, I ended up with one of the most visible cubes in the whole office. To make it more interesting, the person who was in this cube was quite the popular fella, so today was filled with "oh, you're here now? Well that will take some getting used to... ".

The downer parts of the move: my cabinet door opens above the cabinet instead of into the cabinet, so I can't really count on being able to keep things on top of the cabinet like I used to. The keyboard tray in the new cube is slightly smaller, so my mouse is on a different level than the keyboard. I'm in a very public place, I see everyone walk by and vice versa. The founder / "boss dude"'s office is right in front of me, along with the rest of the C<>O's and their offices lining the wall. Plus now I have a window to another cube to my back. That's probably the weirdest part. I have no one looking over my shoulder, but I sure as hell could have someone stalking me through the glass. I miss the privacy.

There's a couple sips of lemonade though. The cube was much brighter when I first moved in. That just took unscrewing a couple of the light bulbs above my cube. Problem solved. The cube also has a bookshelf inside of it, taking up more space that I'd really like. But since I can't readily keep anything in my cabinet anymore, the bookshelf works famously. Lemonade from Lemons. The desks were arranged so I faced away from the entrance of my cube. I really didn't like this because then people coming up to me couldn't easily get my attention. A few stripped screws later, the desks are arranged "correctly". Crisis averted.

The intent of the shuffle is to get some of the teams that work together to sit closer together. AT least that's what the end result looks like. The architecture / engine people all sit together, closer to the embedded (dos) programmers. The UI team is all sitting in a pretty little row. The "new super secret project" people are also all sitting in an area together as well.

The only part of the move that was inconvenient was the not announcing it. I sort of just came into work today and that was the big part of the morning for me, moving the horde of computers and misc stuff. Everything seems to be in place now though. It's still never home, but it'll do.