Sunday, March 22, 2009

"You know how you can make anything suck? ..."

"... Add a 400m run to it"

Today was my second appearance at the fmp class. I'm way glad that I went, however it was way hard. Lots of running this time. First was 3x800m runs, then it ended with 3x400m runs, with other things tucked in there. The other pushups and pullups would have been fine on their own, but adding that little run in there just turned it into a terrible idea. The good news is everything got finished and it only took around an hour and a half to finish the whole ordeal.

After the class, it seemed a good idea to go for a ride aroun town. I met up with Morgan to start our ride but I was entirely too wiped out to actually go on the ride right away. So we hung out admiring his pocket bike for a little while. Those things are so rad, I might even get one for myself. We decided to go out on our ride, but the genious locked his keys in the house with no access to the house, garage, or his car. After spending 30 minutes or so looking for a spare key, we found an unlocked window and he was able to break into his own house.

Then began our ride. Man it was windy. I wasn't even sure I'd be able to make it around safely being blown around. There's a positive twist to this story though. Since I've lost quite a bit of weight and whatnot since last season, my jacket is way loose on me. A great problem to have, but unfortunately it acted like a windsail when trying to navigate the roads. We didn't end up making it the whole way to VC then, half because of the wind, and half because of the sheriff we ran into who was posed to follow us the whole way to keep us in line. On our way back to town, we stopped at michael's to check out some gear to see what my new size might be. I found a jacket that I really like, now to just find it at the price that I like.

Now to the only reason that I'm actually posting this blog. Especially at 1:30 am on a Saturday. Either the night went well, or it didn't. Either way it was eventful enough for me to have something to say about it. I wasn't planning on going out, but I had already said I wanted to, and a VIP table at a nightclub isn't something to easily pass up. All in all it was a really good night. The two downsides are I cheated a bit, one shot of Southern Comfort and two drinks of Absinthe. The other downside is I ended up on great terms with two women and both of which had boyfriends.

This brings me to my next point. We joked around on our birthright trip that if Oranim was meant as a sort of Jewish hookup birthright trip (of sorts), then there should be serious preference given to single men and women on the trip, waitlisting all of those people with "someone back home". Unfortunately this wasn't the case on the trip leaving about 18 single guys and maybe 4-5 single women on our trip. Not the best odds if you asked us. Fast forward to tonight. I wish there was some sort of nightclub where if a women walks up to you and starts genuine conversation, you already know that she's available. Twice tonight I got into non-trivial conversation, only at the (self-imposed) end of the evening did it even come up that they weren't available. Totally a "Boyfriend" moment. I know that it's not the end of the world of course, but it is annoying to say the least.

That's only the downside. On the upside, I got to meet two very interesting women, and I'm glad I had the opportunity. I felt great over the evening, getting plenty of compliments on my appearance, a first for me. At least the unprompted compliments. All that's left to do is sleep and get ready for tomorrow. It's snowing quite a bit down here, and I'm hoping that tomorrow there will be plenty left on the mountain for snowboarding down on. Finally a chance to get rid of those mt rose tickets burning a hole in my pocket.